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Monday, 11 January 2010

Don't Be Mean To The Islamo-Fascists (Please)!

I am quoting in full - and without comment - an email forwarded to me about the holiday-time 'underpants bomber'. Enjoy!

"This astounding email sent round to students by the university administration is proof positive that University College London University (UCL), alma mater of the ‘underpants’ bomber, is more concerned about Islamophobia than the sort of extremism it is nurturing within its hallowed portals! Note that the act of terrorism is ‘suspected’.

From: Grace Barnett <>

Date: 8 January 2010 13:17:14 GMT
To: <>, <>
Subject: UCLU response to suspected act of terrorism

Attempted Act of Terrorism
:The following is an extract from a press release issued by UCLU yesterday.
The full statement is online at <> .

Umar.Farouk.Abdulmutallab 'Following the arrest of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab on suspicion of attempting to detonate an explosive device on 25th December 2009, UCLU can confirm that he was President of the Islamic Society in 2006-07. Since the incident, UCLU has been co-operating with the authorities in all investigations.

'UCLU is disturbed by press reports claiming that UCL and the UCLU Islamic Society were 'complicit' in the radicalisation of this individual and would urge our members, the public and the press to refrain from being suspicious of the Muslim community.

'Extremist and violent behaviour has no place in UCLU activities, and we are committed to ensuring that there is no platform for the radicalisation of our student members UCLU is committed to encouraging free speech and thought-provoking debate. We currently support nine different faith groups and are dedicated to allowing them all to express their opinions and practise their religion in a safe and non-discriminatory environment.

'We are proud of the fact that our societies provide opportunities for our students to openly debate a broad range of philosophical, moral and global topics; this sort of vigorous debate should be encouraged, not restricted."

'We want to remind students that Islamophobic harassment and bullying will not be tolerated on campus or amongst UCL students. We would urge all students to report any incidents to their tutors, to Dr Ruth Siddall, Dean of Students (Welfare) on or Nicki Challinger, UCL Union Welfare Officer on

'Below is  also the contact phone number of the London Metropolitan Police should there be any further assistance required and experiences of prejudicial behaviour encountered on part of students following the recent events or in case any student has relevant information; please note UCL Union will consider all matters very seriously and support appropriate action to safeguard the welfare of each and every student at the University.

'London Metropolitan Police hotline: 0800 789 321".


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